
LAtools GUI is packaged into an executable file using the third-party program PyInstaller. This allows distribution of the program to users without a native Python installation.

PyInstaller can be installed through pip and has comprehensive documentation available online.

Building the Package

The step by step procedure for building an executable file for LAtools GUI is as follows:

  1. Open up a console terminal which you can run Python commands from.
  2. In that terminal, navigate to “latools_gui/latools_gui” in your local copy of the program repository.
  3. With PyInstaller installed, run the following command:
pyinstaller --onedir latoolsgui.SPEC

This will create a new folder at “latools_gui/latools_gui/dist” called “latoolsgui”. This folder contains an executable file “latoolsgui.exe” at the top level, as well as all the necessary files to run the executable without a native Python installation. When distributing to users, this whole folder should be compressed and then delivered.

This command also creates a directory called “build” which stores information about the built executable. This folder is not necessary for distribution to users. Its purpose is to make rebuilding the executable more efficient.

The SPEC File

The SPEC file, latoolsgui.SPEC, located in the directory “latools_gui/latools_gui” is called when running PyInstaller and describes additional information the build might need. There are two main sections to this file which a developer may find important when working on LAtools GUI.

Extra Datas

Extra datas is defined as a list of tuples “extra_datas=[()]” which is passed through the PyInstaller methods. The first value of each tuple in the list is a file location, in relation to where PyInstaller is being called from. The second value of each tuple is a new file location which will be created in the newly built directory for the executable. Any files described in the directory of the first tuple value will be copied and placed in the directory which is created by the second tuple value.

This is important because while PyInstaller is able to recognise various Python module dependencies and bundle the appropriate files, it is unable to detect which non-Python files are necessary. If LAtools GUI is dependent on a non-Python file, for example graphics or text files, that file should be included in the extra datas list, and any calls to the file should work whether the program is running from an executable or not.

Hidden Imports

PyInstaller is not necessarily able to detect all the module dependencies for a given program so it is sometimes required to manually import these modules. Hidden imports is a list of strings “hiddenimports=[‘’]” which describe various modules that need to be manually included in the build.

Common Issues

Any developer working on LAtools GUI and who wishes to package the program may run into various issues. Some of the most common issues that were encountered while working on packaging the program have been described below.

Module Not Found Error

A module not found error will cause an executable that has already been built and run to prematurely crash before any of the main processes can be run. It will appear briefly in the console and will have the form:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ''

This error can be solved by copying the given module name into the list of hidden imports in the SPEC file.

After adding new imports to the SPEC file, it may be necessary to delete the previous build files before running PyInstaller again.

File Path Errors

Because PyInstaller packages an existing program into a completely new directory, some file paths may be thrown askew. Absolute path directories are agnostic of this change and should be used as often as possible to avoid issues.